What is the name of your project?
Designing with and not for: Co-design of technology with older adults
What is/has been your role in the lab?
I am a postdoctoral fellow and I work on a few projects that focus on developing apps for older adults to help with self-management and goal setting
What made you interested in dementia research?
When I first volunteered with Dr. Astell about 7 years ago and saw first-hand the communication challenges being experienced by those living with dementia, their families and caretakers. This made me want to find out ways that we can enhance communication and provide meaningful activities for these individuals using technology.
How do you feel about presenting at your first national conference? (if it is not your first time, please include some advice for first-time presenters)
This is not my first time but I always get nervous no matter how many times I present! Something that always helps me is to remember that YOU are the expert in the room on your own project! You are there to help others learn just as much others are there to help you learn and grow too.
What 3 key search words describe your project?
Co-design, personalization, participatory
Danielle Saney, PhD
Cag 2021 Schedule
Danielle will be presenting on Thursday October 21 15:30-17:00