What is the name of your project?
Let’s Connect: Fostering Independence Among People with Dementia Through Tablet Play with Formal Caregivers
What is/has been your role in the lab?
I am currently a research analyst but I joined the lab as an undergraduate research student in 2019.
What made you interested in dementia research?
My grandfather was my inspiration in being interested in dementia research. The challenges that my grandfather went though living with Alzheimer's disease motivated me to be involved in research that could help other people with dementia. Although he is no longer with us, I am happy to be able to make a small contribution with my work in dementia research.
How do you feel about presenting at your first national conference?
This is the biggest conference I have participated in so I feel very nervous and excited to present for the very first time. I also look forward to connecting to new individuals in the field and learning about their research and innovations. Lastly, I also can't wait to support my fellow DATE lab members who are participating in this conference.
What 3 key search words describe your project?
Independence, games, and enjoyment
Maria Acenas, HBSc.
CAG 2021 Schedule
Maria will be presenting on Saturday October 23, 2021 11:30-13:00