What is the name of your project?
In Touch & Let’s Connect: Impact of Tablet games on Cognitive Domains in Persons with Dementia
What is/has been your role in the lab?
Undergraduate research student for the 2020-2021 academic year
What made you interested in dementia research?
I became interested in dementia research after reading about how diseases such as Alzheimer's impact behaviour and cognition
How do you feel about presenting at your first national conference?
I wish the CAG conference could have been held in-person, but I'm very excited to present virtually!
What 3 key search words describe your project?
Dementia, Tablet Games, Cognition
Sukriti Sachdev. HBSc candidate
CAG 2021 Schedule
Sukriti will be presenting on Friday October 22,2021 15:30-15:00